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Diabetes Guide
. Diabetes History
. Type 1 Diabetes
. Type 2 Diabetes
. High Blood Sugar
. Prediabetes

  Watching your diet is one of the best ways to manage blood sugar levels and get back on a healthy track. Avoiding these common culprits will take much of continue reading

How Do Antioxidants Work?
By GlucoMiracle

Antioxidants are a hot topic in the natural health industry. Popular drinks claim to be stuffed full of antioxidants, while doctors and other health professionals constantly praise foods rich in continue reading

Maintaining normal blood sugar levels could prove to be a difficult task, but it is a task that must be done in order to control or prevent diabetes. The technical continue reading

Types of Diabetes
By GlucoMiracle

When the body does not produce enough – or any – insulin, the body has a condition known as diabetes. The insulin hormone is necessary because it is used to continue reading

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