
Hi, my name is Ellie and it’s my absolute pleasure to Introduce to you Ellie’s Wellness Balls. I would like to share my story of where these came from and how it all began……
      Since the age of 8 years old Fitness has been a huge part of my life. I began learning Martial Arts in the UK and became addicted. I was the youngest female in the organization to become an Instructor and eventually open up my own school. Eventually it grew to teaching 6 days a week, and running 3 Schools, with students as young as 4 and as old as 75. I grew obsessed with the idea of changing people’s lives and really making a difference in how they lived their life.
      Due to the fact that I have always been constantly involved in some kind of sports, fitness or exercise, my metabolism has always been high, which meant I never had to worry too much about what I was eating .
      Then 30 came. Being able to eat whatever I wanted was no longer an option for me. I decided for the first time in my life I really wanted to commit to living a healthier, cleaner lifestyle. Working out or exercising was not enough if I wanted to live a long fruitful healthy life.
      I had NO idea how misleading packaging and labeling was to the end consumer until I really began to do my research. This saddened me the more educated I became on the subject.
    I know that being healthy begins with eating right! So how was I going to be able to do this with the sweet tooth I worked so hard on over the years? By buying products that state sugar free or fat free… right? Wrong most of those “diet foods” are worse than the full fat or added sugar products. Unfortunately in today’s society, food is no longer as pure or as artificially untouched as it used to be. So, I decided to learn what was good for me to eat, and began to make my own healthy TREATS! The guilt free, go to cabinet to replace my cupcakes, muffins and Cadburys chocolate. After trials with many different concoctions and ingredients I finally I believe came up with the PERPECT ELLIES WELLNESS ENERGY BALL. This was just supposed to be my cheat treat. One that I could have buried in my purse, and have with me on the go and not feel guilty about eating but genuinely enjoy the taste of and not feel deprived or like I’m missing out.
      Well... my little secret cheat treat became no longer a secret with sisters, my boyfriend, parents, in-laws, neighbors, cousins and aunts all wanting a batch of their own. Nothing made me happier than making a batch for another person that I wanted to live a healthier lifestyle.
      With that, was the birth of Ellie’s Wellness Balls! (Typed with a huge smile on my face.) There is no need to worry about anything artificial. No additives, sweeteners, or other harsh chemicals. Ellie’s Wellness Balls are made with only the premium quality ingredients to help energize not just the body but your mind. Ellie’s Wellness Balls come in a variety of Raw, Dairy Free, Paleo, Gluten Free, and Refined Sugar Free combinations.
      I have not compromised any flavor when it comes to making them Raw Healthy and Nutritious. They have a moist, chewy, and delicious home made fresh taste, unlike any other health snack on the market.

I am sure you will enjoy them as much as I do!
Yours Truly,