GlucoMiracle » high blood glucose levels Lower your blood sugar levels naturally with 4X power! Wed, 25 Dec 2013 10:39:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How Does Fiber Affect Blood Glucose Levels? Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:25:51 +0000 continue reading]]> Fiber seems to be one of those healthy buzzwords that everyone has latched onto. Most diets discuss it at length and advise accordingly. Most people work under the assumption today that the more fiber they have as a part of their daily intake, the better. While fiber is quite important, when it comes to blood sugar the real issue is the way it’s taken into consideration when tracking and building a healthy diet.

Fiber does not contribute to your calorie intake, and is not actually digested by the body at all, yet on mandatory food labels for all consumable products, fiber is listed under total carbohydrate. If you have diabetes, it’s very important to take note of this, because while most carbohydrates have a negative effect on blood sugar levels, fiber does not.

Since fiber isn’t digested, it doesn’t actually raise your glucose levels. Thinking abstractly, fiber will lead to lower blood glucose levels by not raising the levels at all. This is because most people will include fiber in the amount of total carbohydrates they allow themselves to consume. It’s an inverse way of thinking, but it’s very important to note since people with diabetes might not be making the distinction between fiber and carbohydrates when looking at a food label.

Fiber doesn’t raise your blood glucose level, but all of the other carbohydrates grouped together on the food label almost certainly do. Therefore, if you have diabetes, and you are developing a new diet, fiber intake becomes extremely important to you. Unless you are aware of this key difference you might end up undercutting your blood glucose level expectations when building your dieting program. In fact, including a large amount of soluble fiber in your diet will actually help to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Fiber should be a strong part of any diet, whether you are dealing with blood glucose issues or not. According to the American Diabetes Association, the amount of fiber you should consume increases as you age. Men over the age of 50 should have 30 grams per day, while men younger than 50 should have 38 grams per day. Woman over 50 should have 21 grams per day, and women under 50 should have 25 grams per day.

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Study Finds High Blood Glucose Linked With Memory Loss Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:48:49 +0000 continue reading]]> It has long been clear that blood glucose levels play an important role in all sorts of bodily functions, from head to toe. Those struggling with high blood sugar complain of symptoms from low energy, to excessive thirst, to dry skin and blurred vision. Effectively managing blood glucose levels can greatly improve one’s overall quality of life. Now, new research points to memory function as yet another area of health that can potentially be linked to blood sugar issues.


German researchers gathered 141 test subjects with an average age of 63 years old. None of the subjects had a history of memory problems, and none had been diagnosed with diabetes, or even prediabetes. The subjects were given memory tests and blood glucose tests. They also underwent brain scans to measure the size of their hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with short and long-term memory and with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.


The researchers found that those with higher blood glucose levels over extended periods of time had a more difficult time remembering large amounts of words. The findings weren’t necessarily surprising to the medical community, as it’s already been suspected that high blood sugar increases risk of dementia and makes recovery from a stroke more difficult, both neurological conditions. What the study does do is further the notion that high glucose levels keep the brain from functioning at the level it should.


Scientists were sure to note that while the research concludes an association between high blood sugar and lower memory function, it doesn’t quite explain the cause and effect relationships at play. While further testing will be needed, the medical community is hoping that future findings might show that lowering blood sugar over time can improve memory, or at least keep it from worsening.


What remain clear are the negative effects high blood glucose levels can have on health, and that the list of health problems affected by them will continue to grow. GlucoMiracle can help you manage blood sugar levels with its four powerful, pure and potent ingredients.

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Blood Glucose Levels and The Dawn Phenomenon Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:39:23 +0000 continue reading]]> The body is an amazingly complex machine, constantly tweaking it’s chemistry and optimizing performance in whatever way it can. As those with unbalanced or unhealthy blood glucose levels know, sometimes the system malfunctions. The wide array of unhealthy substances in our diets and environments can make it difficult for the body to adjust. One natural and somewhat mysterious physiological process that clashes with blood sugar issues is known as the dawn phenomenon, or the dawn effect.


Everybody experiences the dawn phenomenon, usually somewhere between 4 am and 8 am. At this time, the body produces an assortment of hormones, including growth hormone, cortisol, catecholamines, glucagon, and epinephrine. They cause the liver to release a surge of glucose into the body, presumably to provide the proper amount of energy for a person to wake up from a deep sleep. The body responds by producing insulin to bring blood sugar back down to manageable levels.


For diabetics, however, this is a problem, as they either cannot produce insulin or are desensitized to it. The result can be a potentially dangerous rise in blood glucose levels that must be managed from the outside. In mild cases, a diabetic can calm the effects by eating a proper breakfast upon awakening. More serious cases might call for a dose of insulin in the middle of the night or just before bed. Eating closer to bedtime is sometimes advised as well, as the dawn phenomenon may be lessened if the body hasn’t been fasting as long.


For some, the dawn phenomenon is just another fascinating instance of physiological miracle in the human body. For others, it’s another nagging factor that needs to be closely monitored and compensated for.


GlucoMiracle can help you manage blood sugar levels with its four powerful, pure and potent ingredients.

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Tom Hanks Reveals He Has Diabetes Fri, 11 Oct 2013 18:29:12 +0000 continue reading]]>  

When dealing with diabetes, it’s important to know that you’re not alone. The disease affects people from all walks of life, and earlier this week, movie star Tom Hanks added his name to the list. In an interview on the “Late Show with David Letterman”, the famous actor revealed that he recently received a type 2 diabetes diagnosis from his doctor.


Hanks explained that he’s been struggling with high blood sugar levels for 20 years. High glucose levels are indeed recognized as a major precursor in the development of type 2 diabetes. It’s important to closely monitor diet and the affect it has on blood sugar to reduce potential risk. Engaging in physical activity can also help in maintaining healthier blood sugar levels that mitigate risk.


Hanks also highlighted the positive effects weight management can have, even after a diagnosis. He told of his doctor’s advice to return to teenage weight levels, and joked about how difficult that would be, seeing that he weighed only 96 lbs. in high school. All kidding aside, it has been shown that losing weight can alleviate the symptoms, and even reverse some effects, of type 2 diabetes. Unlike type 1 diabetes, which is much more difficult to control, diet and exercise can greatly improve the condition of type 2 sufferers.


It’s now being suggested that Hanks’ fluctuating weight throughout life could have played a part in his present condition. He’s earned a great amount of respect for his serious approach to different roles, which sometimes involves losing or gaining a large amount of weight to lend authenticity to an acting performance. Steady weight levels encourage a better bodily response to insulin and blood sugar regulation.


The good news is that Hanks now appears healthy, and has a positive attitude about his condition. Hopefully, the high publicity of his announcement will help to raise awareness about the disease, and inspire those with high blood sugar to take their health seriously.


GlucoMiracle can help you manage high blood sugar levels with its four powerful, pure and potent ingredients.


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Types of Diabetes Sat, 31 Aug 2013 12:26:54 +0000 continue reading]]> When the body does not produce enough – or any – insulin, the body has a condition known as diabetes. The insulin hormone is necessary because it is used to regulate your blood sugar (or blood glucose) levels.

A doctor can perform an examination to determine if you have diabetes. After your doctor has used the regular exam to test your blood sugar level, further testing will be necessary before a diagnosis is made. This testing will help the physician learn what type of diabetes you are suffering from, and what treatment options are available for you.

Common Types of Diabetes

There are various types of diabetes that you could suffer from; however, the 3 common types of diabetes include: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.

Younger people are more likely to get Type 1 diabetes. Your body will not be able to produce insulin if you have Type 1. If your family has a history of Type 1 diabetes, you can be predisposed. This type of diabetes was once referred to as “juvenile diabetes.” According to WebMD, 70 percent of Type 1 diabetics are diagnosed with the medical condition before they reach the age of 70.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body cannot produce enough insulin, and it is unable to properly use the insulin that it produces. African-Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics are more likely to suffer from Type 2 diabetes. Children and adults can be diagnosed with this condition, even though it was once referred to as “adult onset diabetes.”

Gestational diabetes can occur during your pregnancy if you have high blood glucose levels. If you have never had diabetes, you can still suffer from gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes can reoccur if you become pregnant again. If you do not treat gestational diabetes, it can lead to Type 2 diabetes.

To learn more about diabetes statistics, click here.

Other Types of Diabetes

If your blood glucose levels are abnormal, but not low enough to be diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you have what is known as Pre-diabetes. If you do not take the necessary prevention methods it can lead to Type 2 diabetes. Remember that you can still suffer from some of the same body damage, even if you are never diagnosed with full-blown diabetes.

A newly discovered type of diabetes is Type 3. This condition occurs when the insulin in the brain has stopped, or it has been reduced. As a result, your brain cells will deteriorate and stop functioning. Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to Type 3 diabetes. This type of diabetes originates in the central nervous system, unlike Type 1 and 2.

Other types of diabetes are:

  • Chemically Induced Diabetes
  • Surgically Induced Diabetes
  • Type 1.5 Diabetes, often referred to as Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)

Consult with a Physician

You should consult with a physician to receive treatment or reversal information. For instance, if you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, the condition can be reversed by living a healthy lifestyle. If you would like to read more information about lifestyle changes, please click here.


“Diabetes- Living with Diabetes.” Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from Accessed on August 26, 2013.

“Diabetes Health Center.” WebMD. Retrieved from Accessed on August 26, 2013.

“Type 3 Diabetes.” Diabetes.Co.Uk. Retrieved from Accessed on August 26, 2013.

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