GlucoMiracle » diabetes Lower your blood sugar levels naturally with 4X power! Wed, 25 Dec 2013 10:39:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Understanding the Symptoms of Diabetes Fri, 08 Nov 2013 20:51:33 +0000 continue reading]]>  

For anyone with unstable blood glucose levels, knowing the first signs of diabetes is important. Detecting the disease early may lead to more effective treatment and prevention of further damage. Understanding the cause of these symptoms is just as important in making the appropriate lifestyle and medical changes to address the condition.


Frequent Urination and Excessive Thirst

When blood sugar levels are too high, the body makes adjustments to keep the body from shutting down. Kidneys go into overdrive in an attempt to balance blood sugar levels, and excess sugar is excreted through urination. Aside from frequent trips to the bathroom, this process saps the body of water, leading to constant thirst.


Extreme Fatigue

There are a few factors that can lead to excessive fatigue in diabetics. Dehydration certainly doesn’t help. High blood sugar slows the circulation of blood, making it more difficult to distribute oxygen and vital nutrients throughout the body. On the other hand, blood that’s too low in sugar can’t provide cells the energy they need to properly function. All of these conditions result in feeling tired and sluggish.


Blurred Vision

Many people are unaware of the drastic effects that diabetes can have on the eyes. Water is pulled into the lens of the eye, causing swelling that leads to blurred vision. Balancing blood sugar levels can alleviate these symptoms. However, the longer blood sugar levels are off, the more blood vessels in the retina can weaken, effecting blood flow and leaking fluids. Over time, this can result in permanent blindness.


Cuts and Bruises

It’s not the presence of cuts and bruises that’s significant, but their failure to heal in a normal amount of time. A correlation between slow healing wounds and high blood sugar shows that diabetes hinders the body’s ability to heal itself effectively. Damaged blood vessels aren’t able to assist as much as they need to for recovery.


Hunger and Weight Loss

If blood sugar is too high, the body excretes sugar through urination, and the body loses calories in the process. In the case of low blood glucose, or if the body loses the ability to properly absorb sugar, constant hunger and rapid weight loss can arise.


Tingling or Numb Extremities

If your arms, legs, fingers or toes tingle or feel numb, you might have nerve damage resulting from diabetes. This results from the excessive blood sugar, slow blood flow, and inflammation associated with the disease.

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Blood Glucose Levels and The Dawn Phenomenon Fri, 18 Oct 2013 18:39:23 +0000 continue reading]]> The body is an amazingly complex machine, constantly tweaking it’s chemistry and optimizing performance in whatever way it can. As those with unbalanced or unhealthy blood glucose levels know, sometimes the system malfunctions. The wide array of unhealthy substances in our diets and environments can make it difficult for the body to adjust. One natural and somewhat mysterious physiological process that clashes with blood sugar issues is known as the dawn phenomenon, or the dawn effect.


Everybody experiences the dawn phenomenon, usually somewhere between 4 am and 8 am. At this time, the body produces an assortment of hormones, including growth hormone, cortisol, catecholamines, glucagon, and epinephrine. They cause the liver to release a surge of glucose into the body, presumably to provide the proper amount of energy for a person to wake up from a deep sleep. The body responds by producing insulin to bring blood sugar back down to manageable levels.


For diabetics, however, this is a problem, as they either cannot produce insulin or are desensitized to it. The result can be a potentially dangerous rise in blood glucose levels that must be managed from the outside. In mild cases, a diabetic can calm the effects by eating a proper breakfast upon awakening. More serious cases might call for a dose of insulin in the middle of the night or just before bed. Eating closer to bedtime is sometimes advised as well, as the dawn phenomenon may be lessened if the body hasn’t been fasting as long.


For some, the dawn phenomenon is just another fascinating instance of physiological miracle in the human body. For others, it’s another nagging factor that needs to be closely monitored and compensated for.


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