GlucoMiracle » brain function Lower your blood sugar levels naturally with 4X power! Wed, 25 Dec 2013 10:39:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Study Finds High Blood Glucose Linked With Memory Loss Fri, 25 Oct 2013 17:48:49 +0000 continue reading]]> It has long been clear that blood glucose levels play an important role in all sorts of bodily functions, from head to toe. Those struggling with high blood sugar complain of symptoms from low energy, to excessive thirst, to dry skin and blurred vision. Effectively managing blood glucose levels can greatly improve one’s overall quality of life. Now, new research points to memory function as yet another area of health that can potentially be linked to blood sugar issues.


German researchers gathered 141 test subjects with an average age of 63 years old. None of the subjects had a history of memory problems, and none had been diagnosed with diabetes, or even prediabetes. The subjects were given memory tests and blood glucose tests. They also underwent brain scans to measure the size of their hippocampus, an area of the brain associated with short and long-term memory and with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.


The researchers found that those with higher blood glucose levels over extended periods of time had a more difficult time remembering large amounts of words. The findings weren’t necessarily surprising to the medical community, as it’s already been suspected that high blood sugar increases risk of dementia and makes recovery from a stroke more difficult, both neurological conditions. What the study does do is further the notion that high glucose levels keep the brain from functioning at the level it should.


Scientists were sure to note that while the research concludes an association between high blood sugar and lower memory function, it doesn’t quite explain the cause and effect relationships at play. While further testing will be needed, the medical community is hoping that future findings might show that lowering blood sugar over time can improve memory, or at least keep it from worsening.


What remain clear are the negative effects high blood glucose levels can have on health, and that the list of health problems affected by them will continue to grow. GlucoMiracle can help you manage blood sugar levels with its four powerful, pure and potent ingredients.

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