GlucoMiracle » blood glucose levels Lower your blood sugar levels naturally with 4X power! Wed, 25 Dec 2013 10:39:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Worst Foods for Blood Sugar Levels Fri, 01 Nov 2013 18:44:38 +0000 continue reading]]>  

Watching your diet is one of the best ways to manage blood sugar levels and get back on a healthy track. Avoiding these common culprits will take much of the guesswork out of what you can and can’t eat.



We’ll start off with the most important meal of the day, which is often the most sugary meal of the day as well. Common breakfast foods like pancakes and waffles are made with a good amount of sugar to begin with, yet we proceed to douse them with ultra-sweet maple syrup, powdered sugar, and candied fruits. Instead of satisfying your sweet tooth first thing in the morning, try basing your breakfast around a protein rich source like egg whites. This will provide steadier energy levels that will last longer into the day.


Fruit Juice

Despite the recent popularity of “juicing” fresh fruits and vegetables, fruit juice is essentially a dense concentration of sugar. Guzzling down a glass of OJ will send your blood sugar levels flying. Try flavoring a glass of regular or sparkling water with a bit of lemon or lime juice. It might take some getting used to, but you’d be surprised at how refreshing and enjoyable it can be. Sports drinks are another culprit that are sometimes mistakenly considered a healthier option than sodas.



This one should go without saying. Most candy is made of almost pure sugar and contains no nutritional value whatsoever. If you need to eat something sweet, make it a natural choice like a fresh piece of fruit.


Starchy Vegetables

Vegetables are normally a very healthy choice, but some are better than others are. Potatoes, yams, and corn are all starchy vegetables that will spike your blood sugar, especially if you eat a large quantity. You’re much better off eating a salad of greens or a crown of broccoli.


White Bread

White bread may not taste overly sweet, but digestion quickly turns it into an abundant source of sugar. Put a small piece of white bread in your mouth and let it dissolve for a while. It will begin to taste sweet just like other sources of sugar. The same is true for white rice and pasta. Choose whole grain bread options and brown rice whenever possible. They’ll still raise your blood sugar, but much more slowly.


“Hidden” Sources

Many sneaky foods don’t seem to have much sugar even though they are full of it. Ketchup and barbeque sauce are loaded with sugar. Even “health” foods like energy bars and low-fat yogurt have much more sugar than you might expect. Think carefully about what you eat and try to read the ingredients on a product whenever possible.

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How Do Antioxidants Work? Sat, 05 Oct 2013 04:18:49 +0000 continue reading]]> Antioxidants are a hot topic in the natural health industry. Popular drinks claim to be stuffed full of antioxidants, while doctors and other health professionals constantly praise foods rich in them. How many people have actually taken the time to learn what they are, and why have such a sore need for them? Let us explain.

Let’s start with free radicals, another term that gets thrown around frequently. Free radicals are essentially molecules with an odd number of electrons. Chemistry 101 teaches that these free radicals will inevitable embark on a mission through our bodies to find a balancing electron. The problem with this process is that they damage otherwise healthy cells in the process. Moreover, while they are a natural byproduct of metabolism, other factors including pollution, radiation, and poor diets add an unhealthy dose of free radicals, leaving our bodies struggling to adjust.

This process of that produces harmful free radicals is referred to as oxidation, or oxidative stress. That rusty bicycle in your backyard is a result of oxidation. The rotting food you forgot to take out of the fridge and the fading paint on the outside of your home are also caused by oxidation. In humans, oxidation shows its effects through aging and the development of medical conditions and disease. In some cases, oxidation contributes to unhealthy blood glucose levels and the body’s inability to regulate insulin.

Given this information, the role of antioxidants should make perfect sense. As the name implies, antioxidants are molecules that combat oxidation, preventing the formation of free radicals and the chain reaction of damage they can cause. They support pancreas health, helping the organ produce insulin and properly regulate blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that antioxidants can have these positive effects on individuals regardless of their age, sex, or health.

Curcuminoid, one of the four main ingredients found in GlucoMiracle, is a powerful antioxidant that comes from India. Along with gymnema, bitter melon, and chromium, curcumin can help you manage normal blood sugar levels.

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How to Handle High Blood Sugar Levels Wed, 25 Sep 2013 10:07:18 +0000 continue reading]]> Maintaining normal blood sugar levels could prove to be a difficult task, but it is a task that must be done in order to control or prevent diabetes. The technical term for high blood sugar is hyperglycemia. If your body cannot properly use the insulin it produces, or if your body produces too little insulin, you have high blood glucose.

You would benefit by maintaining healthy blood glucose levels; failing to do so could lead to serious complications, such as heart attack, stroke, or even death.

Causes of Hyperglycemia

You could suffer from high blood sugar if your body is unable to produce enough insulin. Hyperglycemia could also occur when your body produces insulin, but rejects it. The sugar in your body has a job – it needs to move through your body and cells. Even though the body is rejecting the insulin, the liver will continue to produce sugar; too much sugar in the body could lead to high blood glucose levels.

Some causes of high blood sugar are:

  • Emotional stress (related to everyday life – your family or job).
  • Failing to take prescribed medication.
  • Lack of proper physical activity.
  • Insufficient diet.
  • The stress that comes from medical illnesses.


If you are suffering from high blood sugar, you may experience various symptoms. Some of those symptoms include:

  • Increased Appetite
  • Dry Skin
  • Weight Loss
  • Excessive Urination
  • Dry Mouth
  • Increased Fatigue
  • Vomiting

It is a good idea to test your blood sugar levels on a regular basis, even if you do not have any symptoms. This could help you prevent diabetes and other serious medical conditions. If you have any of these symptoms, you will need to test your blood glucose levels immediately.

Controlling Your Diet

To keep your blood sugar levels normal, you should eat a well-balanced diet. Cinnamon has the ability to improve your blood sugar levels, and possibly prevent you from being at risk for diabetes. Unsweetened oatmeal is another food that could help you control your blood sugar levels.

Foods low in carbohydrates and high in fiber are good for your diet. Bitter gourd, broccoli, green beans, and spinach are good foods to eat to lower your blood glucose levels. Add as many fresh vegetables to your diet as you can possibly eat. Remember to control your meal portions in order to keep your blood sugar levels normal.

Eat plenty of raw and cooked vegetables, but eat starchy vegetables such as potatoes and lima beans in moderation. According to WebMD, starchy vegetables have the ability to raise your blood sugar levels. Large portions of starchy vegetables could be bad for your health.

Drinking water can help you if you have high blood sugar levels. If you drink two glasses of water immediately – at least 8 ounces each – and a third glass of water five minutes later, you can dilute your blood and flush the sugar out of your bloodstream.


If your blood sugar levels are high, exercise could help lower them. When you exercise, it is good to check your blood glucose levels before and after you exercise. The less intense your workout is, the better. Moderate exercise could help you decrease high blood sugar levels, but intense workouts might lead to low blood sugar levels.

Keep in mind that there are some instances when exercise could be dangerous. For example, if your blood sugar levels are above 240 mg/dL, the American Diabetes Association suggests you check your urine for ketones. Ketone is a chemical that is produced when you have a shortage of insulin. Your body will break down fat to use for energy. You could purchase a ketone test from your local pharmacy. If you take the test and notice ketones, refrain from exercising, and consult with a physician.

Do not Stress

Try not to panic when you have high blood sugar levels. Stress is bad for individuals with hyperglycemia. Instead of stressing, remain calm and use some of the tips below. When you encounter stress, walk away from the situation or person. You could

  • Take deep breaths
  • Go for a walk
  • Drink chamomile tea

Remember that stressful situations could cause your blood sugar to rise because of the hormones that are released. Keep calm, even if your blood sugar level is high, because stressing will cause it to rise even higher.

It is important that you treat high blood sugar levels; failing to treat hyperglycemia could lead to nerve damage, skin infections, gastrointestinal problems, as well as other medical issues. If you keep your blood glucose levels as close to normal as possible, you could prevent complications that are associated with diabetes and continue to live a healthy life.


“When Your Blood Glucose is Too High or Too Low.” National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse. Accessed on September 23, 2013.

“Hyperglycemia (High blood glucose).” American Diabetes Association. Retrieved from Accessed on September 23, 2013.

“Diabetic Diet: 6 Foods that May Help Control Blood Sugar.” WebMD. Retrieved from Accessed on September 23, 2013.

“Checking for Ketones.” American Diabetes Association. Retrieved from Accessed on September 23, 2013.

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Types of Diabetes Sat, 31 Aug 2013 12:26:54 +0000 continue reading]]> When the body does not produce enough – or any – insulin, the body has a condition known as diabetes. The insulin hormone is necessary because it is used to regulate your blood sugar (or blood glucose) levels.

A doctor can perform an examination to determine if you have diabetes. After your doctor has used the regular exam to test your blood sugar level, further testing will be necessary before a diagnosis is made. This testing will help the physician learn what type of diabetes you are suffering from, and what treatment options are available for you.

Common Types of Diabetes

There are various types of diabetes that you could suffer from; however, the 3 common types of diabetes include: Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes, and gestational diabetes.

Younger people are more likely to get Type 1 diabetes. Your body will not be able to produce insulin if you have Type 1. If your family has a history of Type 1 diabetes, you can be predisposed. This type of diabetes was once referred to as “juvenile diabetes.” According to WebMD, 70 percent of Type 1 diabetics are diagnosed with the medical condition before they reach the age of 70.

Type 2 diabetes occurs when your body cannot produce enough insulin, and it is unable to properly use the insulin that it produces. African-Americans, Native Americans, and Hispanics are more likely to suffer from Type 2 diabetes. Children and adults can be diagnosed with this condition, even though it was once referred to as “adult onset diabetes.”

Gestational diabetes can occur during your pregnancy if you have high blood glucose levels. If you have never had diabetes, you can still suffer from gestational diabetes. This type of diabetes can reoccur if you become pregnant again. If you do not treat gestational diabetes, it can lead to Type 2 diabetes.

To learn more about diabetes statistics, click here.

Other Types of Diabetes

If your blood glucose levels are abnormal, but not low enough to be diagnosed with Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, you have what is known as Pre-diabetes. If you do not take the necessary prevention methods it can lead to Type 2 diabetes. Remember that you can still suffer from some of the same body damage, even if you are never diagnosed with full-blown diabetes.

A newly discovered type of diabetes is Type 3. This condition occurs when the insulin in the brain has stopped, or it has been reduced. As a result, your brain cells will deteriorate and stop functioning. Alzheimer’s disease has been linked to Type 3 diabetes. This type of diabetes originates in the central nervous system, unlike Type 1 and 2.

Other types of diabetes are:

  • Chemically Induced Diabetes
  • Surgically Induced Diabetes
  • Type 1.5 Diabetes, often referred to as Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults (LADA)

Consult with a Physician

You should consult with a physician to receive treatment or reversal information. For instance, if you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, the condition can be reversed by living a healthy lifestyle. If you would like to read more information about lifestyle changes, please click here.


“Diabetes- Living with Diabetes.” Mayo Clinic. Retrieved from Accessed on August 26, 2013.

“Diabetes Health Center.” WebMD. Retrieved from Accessed on August 26, 2013.

“Type 3 Diabetes.” Diabetes.Co.Uk. Retrieved from Accessed on August 26, 2013.

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