Why PH Balanced Water

The pH of water is a value you should know, plus it's good to understand why the actual pH of water might differ from the theoretical value.
The chemical formula for water usually is written as H2O, but another way to consider the formula is HOH, where a positively charged hydrogen ion H+ is bonded to a negatively charged hydroxide ion OH-. This means water has properties of both an acid and a base, where the properties essentially cancel each other out.
H+ + (OH)- = HOH = H2O = water
Why Coral Calcium

Marine Coral Calcium provides natural calcium and magnesium in an approximately 2:1 ratio. Magnesium changes calcium into a soluble state, works to regulate the amount of calcium that enters cells, and is itself essential for cellular reproduction. Along with providing calcium and magnesium in an ideal ratio, BioBalance marine coral calcium also furnishes up to 70 naturally occurring trace minerals; including iron, potassium, manganese, selenium, copper, iodine and zinc. This provides a rich and valuable source of mineral elements that are extremely important to the health of the human body but not found in most man made formulations (some of which are essential co-factors for calcium absorption). Coral calcium is readily absorbed by the human body due to its natural porosity and pre-ionised state.
Pure News
- Experiments at universities in Japan compared the absorption of calcium from different sources including natural marine based coral calcium, milk derived calcium, cow bone derived calcium (hydroxyapatite) and regular calcium supplements.
The results showed that the amount of calcium found in the animals that were fed with coral calcium was higher than in any other group.